

In August 2024, Pre came to KHA, unhoused, evicted, and facing a daunting future. Pregnant with twins, caring for two young children, and on unpaid parental leave from her two jobs, she was in a dire situation.

KHA’s collaborative approach and our housing first model made all the difference: Immediately upon her delivery, KHA collaborated with First Presbyterian Church to secure temporary housing for her family in an Extended Stay residence, ensuring her safety and stability right out of the hospital.


From there, KHA facilitated her application to HRI’s rapid rehousing program, securing full move-in costs and a five-month rental subsidy so she could focus on caring for her newborns.

In the meantime, staff visited apartments on her behalf (using video call to help her view apartments) and located a supportive, mission-aligned landlord who prioritized renting to her over numerous applicants.


KHA’s partnerships continued, working with Sparrow and Nest to fully furnish her new home, providing beds, cribs, dishes, and more so Pre could move into a welcoming, turn-key space.

Through KHA’s efficient, compassionate advocacy, Pre’s family moved into a safe, comfortable home in under two months, allowing her to begin a new chapter with peace of mind and the support she needed.

(Name and Photos printed with permission)